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  1. Affiliation: School is affiliated to CBSE New Delhi.
  2. Medium of instruction: English
  3. Curriculum: The school is affiliated to Central Board of Education (CBSE), Delhi which is the largest board of school education in the Country and an autonomous body under the supervision of HRD, Govt. of India.
    1. The syllabus for All India Secondary School Examinations (AISSCE for classes IX & X ) as laid down by the CBSE are internationally standardized and updated on regular basis.
    2. A school based curriculum has been designed for the rest of the classes’ i.e.  I to VIII on the pattern of NCERT & CBSE so as to address the areas such as Language proficiency, Mathematical ability, Reasoning and Creativity, General Awareness, value education, Physical & Health Education and computer awareness.
  4. School Term:  The Academic year at St. John Vianney consists of two terms
    1. Term I:            April to September
    2. Term II:           October to March
    3. In all classes up to X school follows the scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE).
    4. Vocational Break
      1. Summer vacation:       May 16th to June 30th
      2. Winter vacation: December 24th to January 02nd
  5. Scheme of Studies:
    1. I –  V    English, Hindi, Maths, Environmental Studies, IT
    2. VI – VIII           English, Hindi, Maths, Sanskrit, Urdu, Science, Social Science, IT
    3. IX – X             English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social Science, IT